Specialization courses
Specialization courses
Course contents: Introduction (applications, algorithms classification, attack models), classical ciphers (permutation, mono– & poly–alphabetic substitution, perfect secrecy, classical cryptanalysis), stream ciphers (generator models, Golomb’s postulates, Berlekamp–Massey algorithm, linear complexity, cryptanalysis), block ciphers (Feistel structure, substitution–permutation networks, modes of operation, differential and linear cryptanalysis), public–key cryptography (principles, RSA algorithm and Rabin, ElGamal, McEliece systems, probabilistic algorithms, attacks), digital signatures (Fiat-Shamir, Feige-FiatShamir, Schnorr and others, one-time signatures, attacks), hash functions.
Assessment: Written exams (70%) at the end of the semester and projects (30%), where the percentage may vary up to ±10%.